The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirt, rooted and stuck in muddy waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower.
A gold lotus represents the achievement of complete enlightenment.
Consider yourself a Lotus in the mud, you see the water and other Lotuses and yearn to get there. This is achieved through thoughtful growth and guidance.
Are You Lost?

Do you feel unsure of what you are supposed to do with your life and have no idea how to figure it out?

Do you feel anxious, with no direction, like a confused mess, especially during these times?

Are you overwhelmed at the thought of making a college or career choice?

Do you feel like you can’t do anything and have no skills?

Do you feel you or your skills are outdated and don’t know how or what to change or what your next step should be?
Are You Stuck?

You can’t take the next step because you don’t know where that is or how to figure it out.

Every way you turn looks like a dead end.

Something in your behavior is causing you to be confused and unable to get clarity on how to move forward.
It’s easy to look at other people who seem so sure of what their career is and seem so sure in what they’re doing, or perhaps not so sure but trying it anyway?
Golden Lotus Self Discovery Lab
Let me be your guide as we create a roadmap to help you discover your purpose in life
Providing Tangible Results & Identifying Your Vision For Success

Creating a roadmap from where you are now to where you want to be in an intensive, one on one, step by step process.
This may not be your standard or routine job or career path. There’s a well-known quote from a Tolkien poem: “not all those who wander are lost”: and means not all those who explore or do things differently in terms of careers, vocations or just living life.,
Your situation is unique to everyone else. While many of us face the same obstacles, we each have a unique issue that holds us back. This could be family, financial, or an unknown block that will take time to work through. I will support you and hold your hand as we develop your roadmap to live the life you were meant to live by doing what you are meant to do and following your purpose in life.
How Will I Guide You?
Through a step by step, one on one process designed especially for you.

We’ll identify and evaluate your patterns, fears and blocks

Take steps to discover what you are meant to do in terms of a career or vocation

Establish a goal and create a roadmap on how to reach that goal

Determine what you are willing to give up along the way

Begin the journey on working on your goal and achievement

Presenting you with a final plan for continuing on your path to a meaningful life and purposeful vocation or career